Report on Title, Documentary Title Chain 1915 – 2009 by Graham Thompson Attorneys, Bahamas

Purchase Report On Title ( Letter of Opinion ) by Graham Thompson Attorneys, Bahamas

Emails exchanged within client and Andrew G. Wells / Graham Thompson Attorneys, Bahamas 

Discovery of Dual Title Chain by small local law firm in Nassau

The filed law suit against Ocean Point Estate LTD / Polly Cay Bahamas TITLE Dispute 

Stamp Duty / Tax $50,000 paid to the Bahamian Government, and annual real property taxes paid for six years.   In The Bahamas a computerized database is not exist for a very specific reason…..   

With all these documents, Supreme Court and Government and still somebody will come and claim rights on your property. 

Bahamas Property tax Stamp Duty Property tax Bahamas scam fraud
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